A shaky economy. Skilled labor shortages. Ongoing lab space consolidation and build-outs. Rapidly changing workflows and instrument layout. Innovations in instrument technologies. Dynamic and variable demand for unpredictable volumes of tests. Changing requirements for sample and consumable storage environments. Evolving safety standards and protocols.
These are just some of the challenges that lab operations managers and clinical directors are now facing—many of these changes are driving immediate requirements for new agile thinking in how labs can be organized, configured, optimized, and updated.
The lab managers we talk to continue to raise a central theme: the need to get to science faster by streamlining transparency, sharing, understanding, and ongoing change management. Digitally transforming space design and workflow/instrument layout optimization can facilitate the changes need for more efficient and effective lab management. The gap we are talking about is not just around technology; it’s also about empowerment and engagement. Having the right tools is critical, but empowering the right people at the right time to engage stakeholders effectively drives actionable and positive change.
Schedule a demo to see how quick and easy it is to lay out and optimize a new lab, relocation, or existing lab, in minutes.